上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院 2024年博士生论坛
中国 · 上海
2024-07-11 - 2024-07-11
截稿日期: 2024-06-10
时 间:2024年7月11日
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4、论文格式:中文请参考《管理世界》、《经济研究》文章格式,英文参考Management Science、The American Economic Review文章格式。
◼ 主题演讲一
Heterogeneous Preferences toward Video Ads: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach with Multi-level Attentions
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Shuo Zhang is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing at Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University. He received a Ph.D. in Economics from Washington University in St. Louis in 2020 and B.A. in Economics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2014. Zhang Shuo's main research interests are to apply quantitative methods includingregression analysis, structural models, and machine learning to study individual decision-making on digital economy platforms, company pricing strategies, and development of datadriven marketing strategies. His research results have been published/accepted in academic journals including Marketing Science and Management Science. Shuo Zhang has received grants from multiple projects including Pujiang Talent Program, Shanghai high-level international talent program, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China He also participated in the Natural Science Innovation Group Project, International Key Projects and Key Projects.
◼ 主题演讲二
Inferring Vocational Interests through an AI-based Chatbot: Examining Psychometric Properties of Machine-inferred Interests Scores
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Jinyan Fan is currently a full professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences of Auburn University. He earned a PhD in industrial/organizational psychology from Ohio State University in 2004, and earned a master' s degree and a bachelor's degree both from East China Normal University. His research interests are in the domains of artificial intelligence, personnel selection, and newcomer orientation and socialization. His work has appeared in premier outlets such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, andJournal of Organizational Behavior. Dr. Fan has received several research awards and grants from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Academy of Management (AoM). He served as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Vocational Behavior between 2019 and 2021.
◼ 主题演讲三
Misinformation Regulations: Early Evidence on Corporate Social Media Strategy
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Liandong Zhang is Lee Kong Chian Professor of Accounting and Deputy Dean at School of Accountancy at the Singapore Management University. He joined Singapore Management University in 2017 as the Associate Dean (Research) at School of Accountancy. Dr. Zhang graduated from Tsinghua University and received his PhD Degree in Accounting from Nanyang Technological University in 2008. He has previously taught at the Concordia University in Canada and City University of Hong Kong. His current research interests include financial reporting quality, corporate governance, and taxation. His research has been published in top journals in the field of accounting and finance, such as Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, and Journal of Financial Economics. He is currently serving as the editor of Corporate Governance: An International Review and associate editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics.
◼ 主题演讲一
Design of Patient Visit Itineraries in Tandem Service Systems
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Guohua Wan is currently a distinguished professor in Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he had been an associate dean (Faculty and Research) during 2014-2019.
His research interests include operations planning and scheduling, healthcare operations management and business analytics. He has published over sixty papers in such journals as Management Science, Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and OperationsManagement, and received several best paper awards from INFORMS, POMS and CSAMSE. As a PI, he has received more than RMB 10 million research funds from National Science Foundation of China and industry. He currently serves as a Senior Editor of “Production and Operations Management”.
◼ 主题演讲二
A Behavioral Model for Exploration vs. Exploitation
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Ying Rong is a Professor of Management Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. He received his B.S. in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Ph.D in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University. He has worked as a Post-Doc in the University of California at Berkeley and Lehigh University. Dr. Rong's research interests include service operations, retail operations, operations in emerging business models and data-driven optimization. His papers have been published in Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Information Systems Research, Naval Research Logistics and IIE Transaction, etc. Dr. Rong was awarded Excellent Young Scholars Fund from NSFC in 2015 and Distinguished Young Scholars Fund from NSFC in 2020. He has received multiple research awards such as the MSOM Journal Best Paper (two consecutive years), TSL Best Paper, the INFORMS Energy, Natural Resources & Environment Young Researcher Prize.
◼ 主题演讲三(交叉学科)
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Weiping Jia is professor and chief physician of Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism of the Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), director of the Shanghai Diabetes Institute, director of the National office for primary diabetes care, and director of the Institute for Proactive Healthcare of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interests include discovering genetic susceptibility for type 2 diabetes in Chinese, and developing genetic models and gene chips; establishing new diagnostic standards for diabetes and abdominal obesity for Chinese; constructing genetic prediction model of the efficacy of blood glucose lowering medication for individualized drug use; establishing the normal standard of continuous glucose monitoring and expanding clinical application; developing the Shanghai Integration Model to improve primary care on diabetes management. She has published over 300 original articles in international journals, including Nat Med, Nat Biotechnol, Nat Metab, Nat Commun, BMJ, Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol, Diabetes, J Hepatol, Diabetes Care, etc.
◼ 主题演讲一
Replicating and Digesting Anomalies in the Chinese A-share Market
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. K.C. John Wei is currently Chair Professor of Financial Economics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He received his PhD in Finance from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. He previously taught at University of Mississippi, University of Miami, Indiana University. Before joining PolyU, he served as Chair Professor of Finance at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and had worked there for 24 years. Professor Wei’s research interests are mainly in the areas of empirical asset pricing, international finance, and corporate governance. He has published more than fifty articles in leading finance and accounting journals, including Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Journal of Business, among others.
◼ 主题演讲二
The Economic and Social Impact of Digital Transformation
◼ 演讲嘉宾
Dr. Zonglai Kou is a Professor and Deputy Dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University, Executive Dean of Fudan-Toulouse Research Institute of Innovation and Digital Economy (RIDE). His research interests include industrial economics, innovation and intellectual property, corporate finance, and digital economy. He is selected for the national talent program, servicing as the editor in chief of the national textbook "Chinese Microeconomics", a member of the National Guidance Committee for Graduate Education in Digital Economy, Vice President of the China Information Economy Society, and associate editor of Economics Modeling. His researches have been published in top journals such as Economic Reserch Journal ( Jingji yanjiu), Management World (Guanli shijie), Journal of Industrial Economics、Journal of Population Economics, ect.