CJAR-JAPP Online Joint Conference on Critical Factors in Financial Reporting

China · Online

2020-12-18 - 2020-12-19

Paper submission deadline: 2020-11-30

Rationale and Scope

This conference is organized jointly by China Journal of Accounting Research and Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. 

Potential topics of papers include, but are not limited to:

- The interaction between incentives and standards in determining the effects of financial reporting regulation

- Interaction between Financial Reporting regulation and other regulations

- Supervision of Financial Reporting regulation

- Global vs. local in Financial Reporting regulation 

Paper Submission Process

The submission deadline for the Conference is the 30 November, 2020. Submission to the Conference should be submitted to CJAR Online Submission System at:https://www.editorialmanager.com/CJARR

Please register the site first, and then login as an author. Click on ‘Submit New Manuscript’ to start uploading, choose “CJAR-JAPP Joint Conference” from the drop menu of the ‘Article Type’, follow the relevant submission steps on the left-hand menu. Once all of the above steps are done, authors will receive e-mail confirming receipts of the submissions from the system.

Authors should submit their papers in PDF format, with the title page of the manuscript indicating names, affiliation, contact information of the authors, and the clarification of the submissions are for CJAR or JAPP. An abstract of up to 150 words and a list of four to six keywords should follow the title page. All papers must be written in English, and non-native English speakers are advised to have their papers checked by a professional English language copyediting service. Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the Conference will be notified by the 7 December, 2020.

The aim of the Conference is to aid the development of papers, and afterwards the authors of the papers presented can choose to submit their revised manuscript that addresses the feedback of the Conference to the normal issue of either journal for further consideration following the standard review process.

Editing Timeline

Conference submission deadline                                 

30 Nov, 2020

Notification of acceptance to the Conference

7 Dec, 2020

Conference dates

18–19 Dec, 2020

Conference Working Languages

Paper, presentation, and discussion: English

Participant Registration Process

Participants are welcome to attend the online conference even if they are not presenting papers, but are required to register by emailing their name, title, and affiliation to the following email address: cjar@mail.sysu.edu.cn. Please specify “Registration to CJAR-JAPP Online Joint Conference” as the subject heading of the registration email. The registration is free, but will be on a first come first served basis due to the limited number of places, and participants will be notified in due course whether the registration is successful. 
