The 5th CamphorEconomist Circle (CEC) English Workshop
China · Wenzhou
Wenzhou University
2019-11-30 - 2019-11-30
Paper submission deadline: 2019-10-31
The 5th Camphor Economist Circle (CEC) EnglishWorkshop will be held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province on 30th November2019, jointly hosted by Research Centre of the Global Wenzhounese &Business School, Wenzhou University.
1.1Manuscript Requirements
The 5th CEC English Workshop welcomes submissionsin broad fields of economics and finance with no particular preferences oftheoretical and empirical studies. All manuscripts much be in English,original, and must not be previously published.
1.2 KeyDates and Deadlines
We recommend all authors to submit your manuscripts by 11:59pm (CST - China Standard Time) on 31st October 2019. You willreceive the notification of acceptance by 15th November, along withthe conference timetable.
Please use “your name + the title of your paper” as the titleof your email, and send your manuscript to the deadline.
1.4 Fees
There is no registration fee. All authors’ accommodation willbe funded by the conference host institution(s).
1.5Journal Support
The Workshop is supported by Economics of Transition andInstitutional Change (SSCI), and the selected papers will get the opportunityto be reviewed by the journal.
For further information, please visit our Wechat ID(camphor2014) and ContactDr. Zheng XU(TEL:15258063520).